As event organizers across Central and Southern California know all too well, getting proper crowd control measures in place is an important part of the overall planning process. This is particularly true for outdoor events such as concerts, sporting events, festivals, and more where medium or large crowds are expected to attend. Effective crowd management helps to safeguard performers, vendors, and guests alike while keeping the event organized and running as anticipated. Offering top-tier products and customer service, Event Factory Rentals has become the go-to rental company for event planners in need of crowd control barriers near Santa Barbara CA.
There are numerous ways that our steel crowd control barriers are useful at outdoor event sites. As touched on above, these event barricades can function as security measures to keep everyone on location as secure as can be managed. The barriers are designed to be very strong and can be linked together for even greater impact. Events, particularly those where alcohol is involved and/or the crowd is energized, can at times get out of hand with rowdy attendees causing a ruckus. In conjunction with the efforts of security personnel, the barricades can help minimize disruptions and get things back on track.
These Santa Barbara crowd control barriers also help to clearly distinguish between areas that are open to the public and those that are restricted due to safety concerns. By separating such spaces, the steel bike panels can reduce the likelihood that someone will end up in an off-limits area where they could possibly get hurt. In this sense, they offer those putting on the events some much needed peace of mind.

Santa Barbara Barricade Rental
Besides functioning as a useful part of overall event security, our premium crowd control barricades also enable event employees to maintain necessary organization and keep everything running as desired over the duration. For events with a large number of guests, and/or many things happening simultaneously, there is the potential for things to become chaotic if not quickly brought back into line. With our barricade rental near Santa Barbara, there is enhanced line management with attendees being directed where to go. This assists in making situations less hectic, and keeping lanes of traversal appropriately open. All things considered, event barricades are a relatively simple and affordable means of promoting event success.

Premium Crowd Control Barricades for Santa Barbara Events – Event Factory Rentals
Our barricades are strong, mobile, and well regarded for their ability to bolster crowd control efforts. The 3’7” tall and 7’10” wide panels are designed to tolerate a reasonable amount of external pressure, especially when attached together. The bike rail panels can also be fairly easily transported and rearranged if needed to. We are even able to attach promotional banners to the barricades to help businesses or organizations stand out while providing important information to those around them.
If you are interested in Santa Barbara crowd control barricade rentals that are visually appealing and more geared towards organizing event areas than improving security, we also have beautiful white vinyl picket fence panels available. To discuss your particular needs with one of our friendly rental specialists, please give Event Factory Rentals a call at (805) 644-5592 or reach out online.